Master the laws of the universe
Just like gravity, there are universal laws that govern how we create and design our reality. I call it the universal rule book!
Many of us are living in contradiction to these laws (imagine trying to defy gravity), which makes it difficult to co-create with the universe.
When you master all 12 laws you are able to make life happen FOR you rather than to you.
You go from forcing and chasing your dreams to attracting them with absolute ease.
The law of attraction is just one piece of the puzzle, are you ready to unlock all 12 laws?
Start living in alignment with
the universal laws
You know the power of your thoughts and you're excited to to co-create with the universe.
But you're missing guidance, you desire clear instructions for the do's and don'ts of manifesting your dream life.
You're ready to actually play the game and win.
It's time to open up the rule book and let the universe guide you...
This is why I created the 12 Universal Laws audio course.
The (un)official rule book for creating and designing your reality.
Because when you understand and leverage these universal laws you no longer feel like you're fighting upstream.
When you start working WITH the universal laws rather than against them, things start working in your favour.
And you start to see your manifestations rapidly coming to fruition.
Life no longer becomes a never-ending battle.
Instead, everything happens so effortlessly because you have the universal laws on your side at all times.
This is how I've created my dream life and now it's your turn....

12 Audio Trainings
Teaching you about the 12 universal laws.
12 workbooks
With exercises on how to incorporate the universal laws into your daily life.
Plus LIFETIME access!

In case we haven't properly met...
Hey, I'm Katie! Your manifestation BFF and mindset coach to keep you accountable for showing up and achieving your dreams!
I help women, just like you, all over the world overcome their limiting beliefs holding them back from manifesting more abundance and freedom. My aim is to help women feel limitless in their potential and to become the designer of their life.
Because life should happen FOR you!
I've manifested my dream life of abundance including my dream house, car, business class flights, a thriving business and MORE!
But most importantly I've created a life for myself where every day I am living my mission which brings me such a sense of happiness, joy and fulfilment!
And now... it's YOUR TURN!
How long do I get access to the program?
You get access to the course forever, this includes any updates made in the future!
Does this program guarantee results?
I would love to guarantee this but I can't. There are too many factors and variables outside of my control. But by doing the work regularly you'll see a shift in your daily life.
Can I get a refund?
Refunds aren't available for this audio course.
Email my team here.